Today was supposed to be the day I was due to give birth to our first born...Instead, here I sit not just with empty hands, but an empty womb. I also don't think my body got the memo that it is not preparing to give birth anymore with the amount of weight I've gained but that's for a different post. I wanted to make this post positive and share not about what we don't have, but what the Lord so graciously (and patiently) reminds me that I do have. Yet, today, that is so very hard to do. I want to question, to be bitter, to grieve our loss, but most of all just remember our babies. So here is their little story... The last year has been a huge joy to truly know fulfillment in Christ, but it has not come without a huge struggle. I began the IVF process with birth control pills (as prescribed) in August. In September, I had to undergo a hysteroscopy, a procedure to widen the cervix. For me, this confirmed our decision to seek out medical help, as we would never have kn...