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Showing posts from December, 2016

Five Months!

Wow! Time is flying by way too fast, but we are so thankful for our sweet baby boy and that the Lord has entrusted him to us! The last month has been the toughest one yet, but fun at the same time. We got no sleep and experienced lots of firsts [trying to remember there will be a season of "lasts" (like in our too near future, a last time he will be stationary and instead be on the move) so soaking them up!] Zac helped me vote in his first election, he spent his first weekend away from me & a separate weekend away from both of us (so a first weekend with the grandparents), his first two teeth came in, he tried his first foods (avocado) & he had his first Thanksgiving! He's sitting up (not for long periods of time without me or a pillow behind him) and he's laughing more and more. Teething and sleep regression, along with his paci association and now being able to take his paci out but not find it in the middle of the night to put back in, have had me up ev

What's in a Name?

We have a date!! We finally have our court date for Zac's adoption finalization, and although he became ours when he was placed in our arms/stole our hearts on July 3, 2016 at 3:30 am, there is something special about him officially receiving our last name and becoming a Watson, especially on December 22... The fall/winter holidays (Thanksgiving through New Years) are my absolute favorite. They have also become some of the hardest for me.  Thanksgiving always reminds me of the day (in 2014) we found out I was pregnant, yet it also reminds me of the loss that followed in December of that year. Having Zac home with us this year brings a new level of emotion...I so wish I would have been able to give birth to our two precious babies, but I find myself feeling waves of guilt because I never want Zac to think that I would choose them over him. I want so badly to be able to celebrate this Christmas with all three of my babies.  I find this new season of life/motherhood very di