6 Months Old!!
This month was filled with fun as our sweet boy continues to grow and become more interactive. We also LOVED spending our favorite holiday with him and celebrated BIG TIME right before Christmas when his adoption was final on December 22!
Another quick info and photo dump post...too busy enjoying baby boy to keep up with the blog with my personal thoughts/growth as I journey on in motherhood! It'll come eventually!
Eating: 5-6 times a day, anywhere from 4-6 ounces (Staying consistent with that!) He had tried avocado before turning 5 months old, but was not super interested so we decided not to push it. At Christmas, I gave him table food to see how that would go...(green limas, potatoes, deviled eggs and ham! He LOVED the eggs and gnawing on ham, but gagged everything else back out. I knew that would happen but am so proud of him for using those gag reflexes and getting it all out without really choking! It is seriously so much fun watching him learn!)
Naps: Stays awake for 2 hour increments; naps 4 times a day, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour
Sleeping at night: We brought back the swaddle the night before he turned 5 months old and he slept through the night, which lasted maybe 5 days? We are now going 10-12 hours without eating through the night, but still up every 2 hours through the night. We have definitely broken the rules and put him in bed with us so we can all get a couple hours of sleep!
Play: Sat up really well by himself for the fist time today! Loves the door jumper & his new floor jumperoo from Nana and Papa for Christmas! He still LOVES being outside and recently really found his feet. He continues to roll tummy to back but is trying so hard to roll back to tummy...We'll get there!
As of today he is also officially sitting up unassisted!!! Communication: Squeals ALL the time, looks back up at us often, grabs our faces, leans in for kisses now and recognizes us across a room in crowded places
New Experiences: Enjoyed watching his first Christmas parade and Carolina Hurricanes hockey game.
Even not getting the best sleep at night, we are in a really good routine and I am so thankful for flexibility. I have ALWAYS been a very Type A person, so I am shocked at myself not implementing a more strictly scheduled routine. However, being so flexible has allowed our big boy to be a trooper for late night Hockey, dinners out, and traveling!
Enjoy these pictures and keep reading for a quick blurb on adoption finalization!
Christmas Parade! |
12.3.16 |
Gives the best kisses! 12.5.16 |
Still so happy! 12.5.16 |
Favorite Toys right now! 12.5.16 |
Looking like such a big boy! 12.6.16 |
Visit with Auntie Amanda, Addy and Nora! Addy is the best "big sister" |
Greater than the waves of the sea
is God's love for me! |
Practicing Sitting up! 12.7.16
Tazz is SLOWLY warming up
but Zac LOVES him! 12.9.16 |
2nd official time in Jumper! 12.9.16 |
12.10.16 Heading to TAPS group
Christmas Party!
Outfit from Auntie Amanda. |
Painting! 12.13.16 |
First Hockey Game! Go Canes!
12.13.16 |
Small Group Christmas Party 12.15.16 |
Another Favorite Toy! |
Friends Classy Christmas Party 12.16.16 |
He LOVES books! |
Mom's small group girls loving on Zac!12.18.16 |
Celebrating NC Christmas! 12.18.16 |
LOVES this book! |
Because you have to get a picture with a boy and his nerf gun! ha |
When in Alabama... |
Zac with his Great Grandparents |
12.24.16 |
Getting in some play time with his jumper from Nana and Papa! 12.23.16 |
New thing...Sticking out his tongue! Zac loves Aunt Autumn! |
Christmas in MS 12.26.16 |
New toys are fun! |
Zac loves his Daddy! 12.28.16 |
And Tazz still isn't sure about him! 12.31.16 |
Sitting up in the bath makes it more fun!!
Loving our bath toys from
Uncle Josh and Aunt Hannie
12.31.16 |
Big boy having fun and being so content when mommy is sick! |
New Year's Eve as Parents! |
Sitting up! |
Growing so fast! |
Officially Official...
On December 22, 2016, Zachary James officially became a Watson. I blogged specifically about that date
here but what a special day it was for us. We were able to do his finalization over the phone in Alabama so our friends and family were able to come celebrate with us that evening, complete with pizza of course! The judge officially declared him "legally and forever our son"! We continue to learn so much more about God's love for us through parenting our precious son, whom we love because he is OURS! I wish I had time to blog more about that, but we take each moment with him as such a gift. We continue to keep in contact with his birthmom which is another big blessing!
6 month stats:
Weight 19 lb 11.5 oz (80th percentile)
Length 27 in (63rd percentile)
Head Circumference 17.25 in (45th percentile)
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