Wow! Time is flying by way too fast, but we are so thankful for our sweet baby boy and that the Lord has entrusted him to us!
The last month has been the toughest one yet, but fun at the same time. We got no sleep and experienced lots of firsts [trying to remember there will be a season of "lasts" (like in our too near future, a last time he will be stationary and instead be on the move) so soaking them up!] Zac helped me vote in his first election, he spent his first weekend away from me & a separate weekend away from both of us (so a first weekend with the grandparents), his first two teeth came in, he tried his first foods (avocado) & he had his first Thanksgiving! He's sitting up (not for long periods of time without me or a pillow behind him) and he's laughing more and more.
Teething and sleep regression, along with his paci association and now being able to take his paci out but not find it in the middle of the night to put back in, have had me up every hour, that turned into every 15 minutes most nights this month. However, I know it's a season and these fun moments make up for it right?
Early Voting! 11.3.16 |
11.5.16 Mommy's first weekend away! Thankful Daddy sent these pics! Tazz is warming up. |
11.5.16 |
Mommy's Night Out in Nashville! |
Celebrating my SOON to be sister in law! |
Enjoyed seeing this sweet friend
(after 3? years maybe) and meeting her precious son! |
11.8.16 Practicing sitting up |
11.12.16 Zac's weekend with Nana and Papa while
mommy and daddy hang out with middle school students!
= still not much sleep! ha but I love these girls! |
11.13.16 Someone missed Daddy |
On November 14th, we got to meet our sweet friends' adopted daughter! She was born on November 2nd (Exactly 4 months after Zac) and we are over the moon excited to do this parenting thing (and adoption too!) with this precious family! Until finalization, pictures cannot be shared but we love God's faithfulness in their story and cannot wait to share pictures of Zac growing up with this sweet girl! Follow their journey on
11.16.16 Still loves books and enjoying sitting...
Tummy time-ehh...not so much |
11.16.16 First two teeth came through today! |
11.17.16 He doesn't let me hold him much anymore so
soaking it up while I can =) |
11.18.16 Still Loves Bath Time! |
11.18.16 Forward Facing for 1st time.
He LOVES it! |
11.20.16 When mommy dresses me for church!
Isn't he adorable!! |
11.20.16 First food...Avocado!
He did great, but we ended up stopping purees
because he wasn't super interested after the first try! |
First |
Thanksgiving |
11.24.16 |
11.25.16 Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Tree day! |
11.25.16 |
Overnight Date Night
Thanks to Grammy & Grandpa Doc |
Outdoor Iceskating |
11.27.16 Treasuring these things in my heart! |
5 MONTHS OLD!! 12.2.16 |
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