A quarter of the year with our handsome boy! Here's what fun we've been up to the last month...
After a busy last month on the road, we have had a much less busy, but yet still eventful month of October.
Becoming very verbal & So Happy... |
Until he's hungry... |
So mom learned to have bottle ready for after nap! |
Morning play times!! |
LAST Post Placement Visit We love our Social Worker, Liz! 10.7.16 |
14 weeks old! 10.8.16 |
Loving that thumb! |
Alabama Football for Papa & Uncle Josh! Loves to sit up and looking so grown! |
Thanks Aunt Hannie for the perfect onesie! |
Nana and Papa came for a quick visit on 10.12.16 on their way up to VA.
Welcoming Fall Activities with a trip to Phillips Farm
Corn Maze! |
Pumpkin Picking! |
Slept during the maze! |
15 weeks old 10.15.16 Just as excited about fall as we are! |
With all of the travels came trying to adjust back to regular sleep once we returned home. Sleep regression decided to officially hit our house at 15 weeks old on 10.17.16 What I have learned...
*Waking every hour is NO fun, but we continue to learn how we can (somewhat) function on such little sleep! Embracing that was our new norm helped me push through it (we are still in and out of the sleep regression!) + Brett was awesome at staying up with him while I got some sleep at the beginning of the night. Thankful for an amazing husband that partners with me so perfectly to raise our son!
We love that our little guy loves the outdoors and it makes life so much fun (when the weather cooperates!). We LOVE the state fair, and sadly missed going on the annual trip with our small group this year because of Zac's sleeping patterns, or lack thereof. However, I did meet the Alphonse's out on the LAST Saturday of the Fair...BAD idea! It was fun seeing them but never have I known such anxiety from having a baby in the crazy crowds. We survived but will plan better if we take him next year!
16 weeks old! 10.22.16 |
NC State Fair |
We love Addy! |
Zac experienced his first official cold at 16.5 weeks old on 10.26.16 My thoughts:
*The nose frida = AMAZING & Worth it!!! (What we did to combat cold-saline and nose frida, sleeping in elevated seat, cool mist humidifier, lots of snuggles and yes, baby vapor rub!)
*I am more prideful than I thought and I like to think I do not need help...Again, out of pure exhaustion that caused me to get sick, Brett took a night with Zac while I slept in the guest room and it was much appreciated and needed more than I realized!
*Being sick as a mom is hard, and seeing your baby sick is harder! Brings a whole new meaning of being thankful to our parents for taking care of us all those times we were too young to realize how hard it is and how blessed we are! It takes a team!
It's amazing that without sleep and struggling with a cold, this little guy is still so happy in the mornings, especially on our walks! 10.26.16 |
Trying to sit up! |
Grabbing toys on Purpose! |
Fighting a cold snuggles |
1st Halloween Party! |
Cutest Incredible! |
So much fun! 10.28.16 |
Happy Halloween |
Official Drooler! Drool everywhere! |
Cutest ever! |
4 months old!! |
We have a 4 month old! 11.2.16 Love this verse and praying it over our son daily! |
Zac continues to practice rolling (every now and then), loves to be independent and sit up on the couch, enjoys tummy time if you catch him at the right moment, likes workouts with mommy (when I find the energy to get something in for the day), adores his daddy, is very vocal (especially when he's hungry...), and kicks all the time, especially during bath time but making diaper changes more challenging! He is also finally starting to grab toys with purpose. He seriously gets more fun every day!
Zac adores his daddy!! |
Eating: still between 4-6 oz 6 times a day!
Naps: 4-5 a day, most are 30 min, with one, 1-2 hr nap
Sleeping at night: restless!
Play: so verbal! loves walks outside, time on playmat, sitting up (assisted of course), bath time, and kicking
4 month Stats from doctor visit on 11.10.16
Weight: 17 lb 14.5 oz (91st percentile)
Length: 26 in (80th percentile-Grew 3 in since last visit!)
Head: 17 in (69th percentile)
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