JULY 2, 2016...Happy Birthday our Precious Son!! We are so thrilled that you are here! I am so glad we had great communication with your birthmom, K, so that we can share some quick details about your birth story...
K, had an appointment on Wednesday, June 29 to check in on how things were going. She was dilated to 4 cm and sent to labor and delivery for monitoring...we thought we might have a June baby and began preparing bags and packing the car to leave!
She was sent home after a couple of hours. The following days were full of anticipation. We were able to send Tazz home to Alabama with my cousins that Thursday, which worked out well for us to be able to leave at any moment.

On Saturday, July 2, Brett and I went out to buy a recliner (a gift from his parents) for our living room so we could have a rocker downstairs to rock our sweet baby! After making a purchase, I mentioned a Cheesecake Factory gift card Brett still had, and suggested we use it to grab afternoon drinks and dessert. Turns out, it made a perfect last date as just the two of us! When we got home, Brett finished recovering the seat of a rocker for the nursery, a rocker that has been in my family for years and is over 100 years old (one of my favorite parts of the nursery!) Perfect timing to get that complete!
Around 7 pm et, K called to say her water broke!!! We really would have a baby within the next 24 hrs. I talked with her a couple of minutes...She was out with family for a July 4th celebration. She was in line for pizza, and we had just put one in the oven! Love that we have some things in common. We gathered last minute things (and the pizza) and got in the car to make our way to FL! We called to share the news with family and friends.
Around 8 pm et, I received a call from K's phone. I thought she was calling to let me know how far along she was at this point and about how much longer it may be until delivery. It was K's mom calling to say baby boy was here!!! She was great to give me all the details...
The first picture K sent to us of Zac! |
Zac was born on July 2, 2016 at 7:59 pm. He was 7 lbs 14 oz & 19 in long. Having C, K's mom, call was initially a shock as she was not supportive of the adoption, but it turned into a huge blessing to be able to talk with her. Having her with K was also a BIG answer to prayer as K was initially worried she would be alone and had wanted her mom there all along. When her water broke, and contractions came hard quickly, it was C that asked to take her to the hospital. I think they thought they would have to deliver the baby on the side of the road everything moved so quickly! Once they made it to the hospital, Zac arrived 7 minutes later! Talk about a quick birth. WOW! He was ready to come into this world and we all couldn't have been more excited.
We finally arrived around 3 am and got to see K for a little bit before going to meet Zac around 3:30 am! We were so overwhelmed by what a blessing it was to finally look at our son for the first time! The night nursing staff was wonderful and gave us a private room to spend a few hours with Zachary. Our lives were forever changed and in those moments, the provision and grace and faithfulness of the Lord were magnified. This was OUR son, and we were given the opportunity to be HIS parents. How beautiful! Here are some pictures from that night!
Meeting Zachary for the 1st time! |
Mommy and Daddy holding Z for the 1st time! |
First Family Pictures! |
Mommy feeding Z for the 1st time! |
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